Mountain/Alpine Wildflower Seed Mix

Mountain/Alpine Wildflower Seed Mix


My mom bought me plants and flowers when I purchased my first home. When they bloom in the spring, I think of her love. Whether your purchasing these seed mixes for you or someone else, they will inspire joy.

The mountain mix is perfect for the mountainous regions of the western United States. Use in elevations above 7,000 feet for wildflowers to thrive. 

This high-elevation wildflower seed mix contains annuals and perennials for ornamental landscaping. Mountain regions include AZ, CA, CO, ID, MT, NV, NM, OR, UT, WA, WY, and the southern parts of Alberta and British Columbia. Also suitable for all elevations in southern Alaska. Flowers will provide color throughout the growing season. 

Mix Includes: Annual Baby's Breath, Black-Eyed Susan, Blanketflower, Blue Columbine, Blue Flax, California Poppy, Catchfly, Cornflower, Dwarf Godetia, Fleabane Daisy, Palmer Penstemon, Rocket Larkspur , Rocky Mountain Penstemon, Shasta Daisy, Showy Goldeneye, Siberian Wallflower, Tussock Bellflower

Directions: Sprinkle in soil during the spring or Fall. (Dormant Fall planting yields earlier wildflowers!) Water in the Spring as needed. These wildflowers are hardy and won't need much care!

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