How I Shake Up My Creative Process


I own give with joy. Just me with the help of my sister for accounting, a text string I have with friends that I can bounce ideas off of, and other professionals who help with website, branding and more.

But it’s me creating, designing, updating the website, responding to messages, handling customer care, developing new products, photography, and more. I do it in between my three children’s naps, in the early hours when the house is quiet is my favorite time to work and I am lucky to have awesome babysitters.

It can be a lot.

I had to create healthy rhythms, boundaries and routines to work efficiently and effectively. I write down tasks and goals daily to make sure I am focused and working efficiently. Sometimes the business side of things can create barriers for the creative side.

Here are ways I shake up my creative process:

  1. Nothing breeds more creativity than just playing and coloring with my kids. It gives me a break from the business side and opens me up beyond the projects and illustrations I am working on. Just sitting down with crayons and paper with them remedies any creative blocks.

  2. Reading and writing inspires me by creating space for new ideas for content and design. I love a good journal prompt that encourages me to think deeply.

  3. Conversations are always refreshing. Listening to others’ stories gives me insight on what kind of cards could lift others up or be relatable.

  4. I live in Colorado where the sun is shining almost every single day, so it’s easy to be outside in nature. The stillness and beauty of course inspires more creativity for me.

  5. This one isn’t fun, but it’s rewarding. I sometimes need an office refresh. I need my desk to be cleaned and things to be purged, so I can gain clarity, focus and direction. Making a good list always helps create more brain space to be more creative and efficient.

  6. Take a class! I am signing up for an online art class. I just want to paint again and I don’t remember the last time I picked up a paint brush unless I am painting with my kids. Dusting off my skills is the best way to stretch myself creatively.

with joy,

Aneta Nina

GWJ Founder + Designer

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